Designing a Fuzzy Inference System for Evaluating Job Satisfaction Using TOPSIS And Fuzzy ANP Techniques

  • Morteza Mohammadi Seif Department of Industrial Engineering, Islamic Azad University Central Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran
  • Hamed Kazemipoor Department of Industrial Engineering, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
  • Mohsen Amra Department of Industrial Engineering, South-Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Job Satisfaction, TOPSIS Techniques, Fuzzy ANP, Fuzzy System


Human resources (HR) are crucial production resources, encompassing all organisational staff members. Occupational issues have always been a priority for nations, intertwined with personal, social, and cultural aspects. This study develops an expert system to assess employee job satisfaction using the Minnesota Questionnaire, TOPSIS, and fuzzy ANP techniques. The survey is completed by client-facing employees from different sectors. ANP and FNAP techniques are discussed, followed by an investigation of TOPSIS and Fuzzy TOPSIS decision-making methods. MATLAB software is used to design the expert system. Results show that implementing satisfaction programs and addressing organisational issues are vital for employee job satisfaction. Meeting employees' needs increases satisfaction while neglecting them causes dissatisfaction. Organisations must prioritise preserving job satisfaction by addressing employee needs.

How to Cite
Mohammadi Seif, M., Kazemipoor, H., & Amra, M. (2024). Designing a Fuzzy Inference System for Evaluating Job Satisfaction Using TOPSIS And Fuzzy ANP Techniques. International Journal of Sustainable Applied Science and Engineering, 1(1), 54-74. Retrieved from